What happens after I get home from my Abdominal Surgery?
Patients often ask; “How do I take care f myself after surgery?”. In this section we will discuss what happens after surgery and how you take care of yourself in the days immediately after going home. Please be sure to read this carefully and have your family members also read these instructions.
These are DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS for patients who had any kind of abdominal surgery such as hernia, gall bladder, appendix or minor bowel related operations.
You have had Anesthesia and Surgery:
- You must have someone drive you home from the hospital.
- Anesthesia and medications may affect your judgment. Therefore, important decisions should be postponed for a few days.
- Have assistance when first getting up and have a responsible person stay with you tonight.
- It is recommended that you not drink alcoholic beverages for few days after surgery. If you have been prescribed narcotic medications, do not consume alcohol with these pills. Do not drive till you have been evaluated by doctor in office.
- Have a light meal today. You may not have much of an appetite and that’s OK.
- Use small portions of meal for the few days. Try to avoid fatty, greasy and large meals. Otherwise there is no restrictions on your diet.
- Drink Ensure or Boost twice a day as nutritional supplements.
- Some people feel weak and tired and that’s OK! Rest as necessary.
- Avoid strenuous activity. Do not lift more than 10 pounds for 4 weeks after surgery. Avoid straining, stooping, pushing or excessive coughing.
Wound care.
- Keep dressing clean and dry. Remove dressing after 24 hours and leave the wound exposed.
- You may shower after 24 hours. Buy Hibiclens® soap from your local pharmacy and shower and gently clean the surgical wound. Wash your hands many times a day with Hibiclens ® soap.
- In some cases, you may not have any dressings, leave wound exposed. In other cases your wound may require daily dressing changes which will be arranged.
- You may take the first dose of your painkiller when you get home even if you are not feeling pain.
- You may take the pills round the clock for the first couple of days rather than waiting until the pain gets unbearable.
- The painkillers may cause dizziness, drowsiness and nausea.
- Do not use alcohol with the painkillers and do not drive.
- You may take Motrin in addition to the prescribed painkillers if you do not suffer from stomach ulcers.
- You may use hot packs over the incision for additional comfort.
Contact physician if you have uncontrollable pain, fever more than 101 F, drainage and bleeding from the incision or excessive swelling. Some itching, swelling and bruising of the incision is normal.
Khawaja Azimuddin M.D. & Tal Raphaeli M.D. & Jean Knapps M.D.
1125 Cypress Station Dr, Suite G, Houston TX 77090
Tel: 281-583 1300 Fax: 281-583 1303