A hernia is a localized bump or bulge that can form almost anywhere along the abdomen or groin areas. This medical condition develops when an organ or fatty tissue pushes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or nearby tissue, resulting in a bulge that can be tender, inflamed, and at times, painful. There are several types of hernias one could ultimately develop, and they can form during any stage of life. Some hernias are congenital (occur at birth), but the majority develop later in life in men and women with weakened or reduced muscle mass. To diagnose and treat hernias of all kinds, our skilled team of specialists at Houston Colon and Rectal Surgery employ the most advanced tools and techniques, such as minimally invasive robotic surgery. Visit our North Houston or West Houston, TX offices if you have noticed any abnormal bumps or bulges on your abdomen or groin, as well as pain, difficulty passing stool, or other uncommon symptoms that could indicate a medical issue.
Hernia Reviews
Hernias can be congenital or develop at any time when there is a natural weakness in the abdominal wall. Most often, they occur later in life as a result of increased pressure being put on the abdomen, causing a portion of the organ or fatty tissue to break through a weak point in the muscle. This pressure can be caused by lifting heavy objects, extreme bouts of coughing or sneezing, or straining to make bowel movements. Additionally, patients who are obese or have a history of smoking and poor nutrition may be at an increased risk to develop weakened muscles, making the development of a hernia more likely. Some common signs and symptoms patients with a hernia may experience are:
- Feeling or seeing a bump or bulge underneath the skin
- Redness or inflammation
- Tenderness
- Pain that can be intense or occur continually
- Unusual pain when lifting heavy objects
- Pain while sitting or standing for long periods of time
- Straining to urinate or make bowel movements
Diagnosing patients with hernias is typically a straightforward process since hernias can often be noticed during a physical exam. To determine the presence of a hernia, one of our colorectal surgeons will perform a thorough physical assessment. We may also decide to have an imaging test, such as a CT scan, taken to generate a fully accurate diagnosis. From there, we will evaluate your situation and work with you to determine the best course of treatment. Generally, hernias are most effectively treated with a surgical procedure, such as laparoscopic robotic surgery. Both of these options are minimally invasive and result in small scars.
There are three widely used approaches to hernia repair surgery: open, laparoscopic, or robotic surgery. At Houston Colon and Rectal Surgery, our experienced team of colorectal surgeons will work with you to make the best judgment when it comes to which technique will be used during your procedure.
- Open surgery involves the creation of a 3 – 4-inch incision that stretches from the location of the hernia to just beyond the bump. The protruding tissue or intestine is then put back in its proper position and the muscular wall is sealed with surgical mesh to provide extra support and prevent another rupture.
- Laparoscopic surgery uses similar techniques to open surgery with the exception of the incisions. For this method, three or four tiny incisions are made into the abdominal wall so our surgeons can navigate a small camera and advanced surgical instruments to reposition the tissue or organ and seal the hole in the muscular wall.
- Robotic hernia repair surgery, similarly to laparoscopic surgery, makes small, quarter-inch incisions into the abdominal wall so tools and a laparoscope can be used to address the hernia. With this technique, our surgeons are able to control the surgical tools from a console. This method is especially effective for reconstructing the abdominal wall and correcting smaller hernias.
At Houston Colon and Rectal Surgery, our board-certified team of surgeons has years of experience in treating and managing a range of colorectal concerns and more, like hernias. With new developments being made in the medical industry every day, treating and repairing hernias can now be easier and less invasive than ever. Our North Houston and West Houston, TX offices work to resolve your medical issues using the safest and most effective means. Contact a member of our team to receive the highest quality of treatment if you believe you may have developed a hernia.