Everything you need to know about Hemorrhoids Banding

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Banding of Hemorrhoids

Banding of the hemorrhoids is a procedure in which a tiny rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid. It’s really not the kind of rubber band you see for office use, its tiny. May be even 2 or 3 mm in size but the concept is the same. It pinches off an area of the hemorrhoid. The tight rubber band strangulates the blood supply of the hemorrhoid thereby causing it to shrink in size. As the hemorrhoid shrivels up and falls off in 7 to 14 days, you may notice the small black rubber band in your stools and some minor bleeding.

Before Banding is performed

  • Do not take aspirin for 1 week prior to banding and for 2 weeks after the banding
  • Take a Fleet enema before coming in for the procedure
  • Procedure may be repeated once a month for 3 times

After Banding is performed

  • Expect some discomfort or pain for one to two weeks
  • If there is severe pain at the operative site, call the doctor immediately
  • You are encouraged to take a high fiber diet. Use bran, brown bread, vegetables, fruits, beans and cereal
  • You may notice some irritation around the anus or mucus or blood. This is normal
  • Take a Sitz bath or sit in a tub of luke-warm water for 15 minutes about 3 times a day until the discomfort has completely gone
  • Your doctor may give you some painkillers. Take 2 painkillers every 4 to 6 hours or as required. The painkillers may cause dizziness, drowsiness or nausea. Do not take alcohol with these medications. 
  • Do not use Aspirin, Motrin, Advil or Aleve for pain relief as they may cause bleeding. Plain Tylenol is OK.
  • Take Metamucil for 2 weeks after each banding procedure
  • Avoid constipation. Do not strain in the bathroom. If you do become constipated take some senna or dulcolax tablets which are over the counter medications
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 1 week.


Khawaja Azimuddin M.D. & Tal Raphaeli M.D. & Jean Knapps M.D.

1125 Cypress Station Dr, Suite G, Houston TX 77090

Tel: 281-583 1300  Fax: 281-583 1303

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.